söndag 14 augusti 2011


So you say I'm fat? Ok well what if I say you're skinny? you'll take it as a compliment.. why is being fat something bad and skinny good? If you are dying because you'r fat then that's bad but you can also die from being skinny... I've been called fat for a really long time now so I've started to say it to myself.. I hate it. Of course I take it as a bad thing, you say it as a bad thing but really I'm not ''fat'' I'm human. To be ''fat'' shouldn't be something a human can be it's fat humans have bones to.Can't you say ''your bone'' I don't get it at all. You say people are ugly if they are ''bigger'' than you? You think it feels good to walk trough a room when people scream ''fat ass'' and ''big mama'' ''moo'' and ''oink''. Well it's not. And if you think it is I guess you'r to cool or perfect to be called names... Sometimes ''fat'' people get skinny and start bullying. That's really bad! I think they should know how it feels and try to stop it! This is bad! If I could I would change ''Fat'' to good but I mean fat isn't good it's fat and it makes people big and unhealthy. Can't you just say curvy? It would make so many people happier! Curvy just say it ones or something like that. Instead of saying ''yo fat ass'' say ''yo curvy pants''. Don't bully! It's only bad for you. It'll not make you happy. You know what help people, it feels good! and not only to you but to everyone! Hope this made sense to you! And yes I'm talking to EVERYONE of you bullies!

PS: You are cute and strong! I love you XoXo

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