tisdag 27 september 2011

God damn it!

Hi, so this is a chocking day.. ok so here it is:

  1. I started liking this one boy AGAIN.
  2. My friend comes and rubes her new BF in my face..
  3. The boy likes my friend.
  4. The store near me is closed(it's like being remounted)
  5. I won't get chocolate
  6. I can't eat anything else than chocolate
  7. I will starve
  8. I will die
  9. I won't become a vampire
  10. I wont have chocolate
  11. I will starve
  12. I will die.                  again.                              
Ok. so I'm dead now I'll see y'all later loves!

PS: You're cute! I Love you XoXo

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