fredag 30 december 2011

What I do when I'm home alone.

I'm home alone, and I've never known what a weirdo I am until now... Here are some thing I do when I'm alone.. Don't judge me!

  • I Eat really weirdly. Like bread with a fork, or soup with chopsticks?
  • Go to the toilet with the door open just because I can(only number 1) 
  • Watch Disney. Or buuklubben. My secret is out :/
  • I don't do anything important
  • I'm really quiet.
  • I turn off the lights and the TV if I'm on the computer.
  • I pretend to be a spy or a superhero.
... This is really awkward but I feel like I need to share this with you guys :D Hope you have a great day! 
Just a random picture that has nothing to do with this

PS: You're cute! I love you XoXo

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