måndag 30 april 2012


HII! so taday I'm gonna PARTYYYYY all night long! OOMMMGG! I'm soo exited the hole finland is partying tonight and so am I!! SOO EXITEED!!!! I'm so gonna get drunk, and get even more drunk after that! nand I'm a little drunk right noow!! woooohooo!

lördag 28 april 2012

Happy b day to me!

Finally we went to get my B-day present :D have been waiting for it for like 1 month and yaay I love love love it! and sorry my computer fricked up the quality of the pics...

I believe

Hello! It's so early.. ok no it's not:) I think this is gonna be a good day! Listening to Il divo and Celine Dion. Trying to keep it positive! I'm kinda good at that :) I'm gonna go take a shower and put some clothes on and not to much because the SUN is shininghh! 

fredag 27 april 2012

in da hoodz!

Hi what's up? Today in school we were supposed to wear as much color as possible. We probs didn't win but whatever :) We also had a little ''concert'' and it went ok.. I screwed my part up because I had to almost scream because the microphones suck.. but whatevs. after school I went home and took a nap, ahh nappy times are the best! Then Lotta and Julle wanted me to come out so I just went out with the two weirdos <3 

onsdag 25 april 2012


the shorts are ready!!

Morning everybody! listening to Shane and eating some breakfast. Blööh I look so weird today... don't know why but I just do.  

No post?

So today is an off day. I'm not my best right now so I'll just make you a music post.

tisdag 24 april 2012

Short shorts

Hi so today I'm dying my shorts pink and right now they look like some heavy period of an old lady in a bucket... yeah, but I hope they turn out awesome! And also I'm studying. Boring but I have to, and I should so start turboing! blagh! but yeah I have to get back to that :) cranky! 

måndag 23 april 2012

You and me, is more than enough

Whadapp? So I love Mondays nowadays! We started the day at 9.45 with 2 h's of gym, after that about one h of break and lunch, after that 2h's of music <3 Gotta love it! Oh and we had a cute 20 y old substitute in music class :):) giggle giggle:D but no he was so nice and he was smiling so much :D but nuff' bout' him, I really enjoyed the 2h's. And we have a ''gig'' in 4 days and the next time we'll rehearse is on Friday (in 4 days)!!! I so have to learn that song or those songs perfectly :D  

söndag 22 april 2012

If I had superpowers, I'd save the world and you would be mine.

Listening to Shane over and over again. I love ''super luv'' If you don't know what I'm talking about then go YouTube ''super luv Shane Dawson'' or something. I don't really know what I'm doing right now, or what I'm supposed to do... whatever I'll upload some photos and cry to Shane's songs. 

To do.

Hello, so I'm gonna do a ''to do'' list and try to do everything on it today. Gonna get my to do on!

  • Wash some clothes
  • Zumba
  • Dance
  • Shower
  • Go to the store and buy bleaching stuff
  • Color, bleach and cut my shorts
  • Eat lunch
  • Go to an outlet in the city center and buy shoes
  • Go running
  • Take a shower again
  • Eat dinner
  • Clean my room
  • Do homework
  • Be with My friend.
Now the thing is that I havent done any of the above but in the middle of my list my friend reminded me that I have to be with her so yeah :D

lördag 21 april 2012

American reunion

Hi, so we went to see american reunion because we thought it would be more funny and so many guys were going to look at it so why not:D? But it was awesome. And after that we went to ''crazy days again and I bought : 

My jeans today
And look at my google.
PS:You're cute, I love you XoXo


Hi, so today I'm going out with my friend we are gonna go watch a movie and shop! So exiting! haha but yeah i just wanted to say good morning and hey! So I'm gonna go now! hurry hurry project x is waiting! 

fredag 20 april 2012

Have no fear, your hero is here!

The top thing that I bought.

food of the day.

Yoyoyo! whats up? ok, so today my day started out with cooking. And then English we watched Titanic. And I didn't cry because we didn't get to look at it all. After that we went to one way on hullut päivät and I bought a top thingy. I dissed it the other day but it actually looks kind of cute on. But you'll have to have boobs for it otherwise it looks weird. After that we had to hurry because our school went to a place called solvalla. I played beach volley, it was soo fun, but I didn't get to bring the camera. It would have gotten all sandy, and sandy camera balls are no fun. Now I'm going to the store bying me some foodz! and yeah thats it!

PS:You're cute! I love youXoXo