tisdag 28 augusti 2012

I spell wrong? You can't even talk!

Hello! Now I have to talk to you about something:) I wont name any names... But this is my blog. So I get to make the posts, if you don't like them, go make your own better ones! I get to spell stuff wrong and I get to make ALL the mistakes. And if my wrong grammar is bothering you, I suggest you turn it on another language so that google can do it's job and frick up the grammar. And if you can't speak English better than I spell, I really think you should not tell me how to spell.

Love you all! That's just something that bothered me, and I thought you should know! I love comments and feedback but when every single comment is ''you spelled this and that wrong'' (and the comments aren't even in English) I get frustrated and kind of annoyed... So I hope you guys will comment and send me feedback! But don't mind My bad spelling or my slippery fingers (on my phone/computer). That's all.


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