lördag 25 augusti 2012

Scratching and Sneezing

Hello! I've been Ill for the past 3 days. And I'm so tired of it! I'm scratching my arms up and it hurts so much! And it looks so ugly! What should I do? If anyone has any good ideas please tell me! I'm dying! Anyways  today I'm gonna go to the  city and check out the last sales. If there even are any. And I'm gonna set my mind to a good and healthy mindset. But before that I have to vacuum the whole house while I listen to Britney:D
Now some pictures that have nothing to do with the text. What I've been up to.
Went to the new renovated mcdonalds
Found my hello kitty headphones
Went to a confirmationparty
Was in school
OOTD a few days ago
Had fun with my friend
Went to arnolds and roberts coffee and saw a cute boy
Played minecraft on crafty mode on my phone

Thats all folks!
Take care!      xx

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