torsdag 25 oktober 2012

Stop the ass kissing

So when I looked at meangigls I relized that I tots could bee like them! But I don't wanna... But I also don't wanna be the girl who gets all the attention and gets everyone to like her because she manipulates her... That's the worst thing I've ever seen someone do. I don't care who you are, where you're from or what your background is. You don't use people and manipulate them and lie and fake around and fuck with people. You don't have to like everyone and everyone doesn't have to like you. I have enemies and haters, but I don't pretend to like them, cause I don't. This is just how I see stuff, and if you want to have many friends, make sure you don't lie. Because sometimes it's good to not "love" everyone and have everyone like your profile picture on facebook or retweet your tweets. just stop the ass kissing and start respecting and being your non lying and faking self! Whoa, I haven't done one of these in a while :) Hope you get something out of it tho! I'm out! Word.

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